4 Axis MPG Pendant Handwheel for CNC machine
I. Pendant Handwheel
1) CNC system and position control of various mechanical devices, mainly for CNC machine tools and various mechanical zero correction and signal division.
2) 100 times per revolution slightly cracking point,100 pulses per revolution output, holding the handle of the panel and all-metal high-grade design.
3) Metal code disc, high precision, good texture
4) Easy installation, shaped thin, ultra-light.
5) DC 5V power system
6) Voltage, single-ended, differential in three output options provide 100PPR pulse output options.
7) Driver output type, anti-interference ability, long-distance transmission.
8) Oil, water, dust-proof design (grade IP65) spiral stretch 20 million guaranteed.
1) Novelty, easy to move, interference, load capacity.
2) Full plastic shell, insulation, high strength, anti-oil seal design.
3) With × 1, × 10, × 100 third gear ratio, enabling 4-12 axis magnification switch
4) With the control switch, emergency stop switch optional, easy to operate
5) For CNC machine tools, printing machinery, numerical control equipment
Resolution 100PPR
Supply Voltage DC5V +/-5%
Supply Current ≤80mA
Output Voltage ≥2.5V
Output Current <40mA
Fall/Rise time ≤5ns(typ)
Switch X1,X10,X100
Axis Switch OFF,X,Y,Z,4
Response Frequency 0-10KHz
Line color definition
colour | signal |
red | Vcc |
black | GND |
green | A |
white | B |
purple | A\ |
purple\black | B\ |
yellow | X |
yellow\black | Y |
brown | Z |
brown\black | 4 |
pink | 5 |
pink\black | 6 |
gray | X1 |
gray\black | X10 |
orange | X100 |
orange\black | COM |
green\black | L+ |
white\black | L- |
blue | stop-c |
blue\black | stop-cn |
This handwheel can be fix with many brands CNC controller, for example: FANUC, SELCA, HANUC, GSK, KND, SIEMENS, MITSUBISHI, FAGOR, NUM, HEIDENHAIN, LNC, SYNTEC, KND, SKY, WASHING, HNC, DASEN, CASNUC, GREAT.